Welcome to my big feelings, science-based, 'accepting all parts of your messy humanity' slice of the internet.
I'm a queer, neurodivergent, coach, speaker, and professional space holder.
If you're tired of feeling like there has to be more to life...
If you crave a rich, full, life with purposeful work and joy, creativity, connection, and presence....
I've got you.
You're in the right place.
I was a straight A, mature for my age, hard-working, high-achieving student, daughter, and employee since day one of kindergarten.
Like any high achiever, I craved and flourished with the feedback I received from teachers, family, and authority figures that I was a 'good girl' and had 'so much potential.'
Combined with childhood trauma that resulted in a need to be as perfect as humanly possible, it wasn't surprising that over time my whole identity became about achieving.

But the harder I worked and the more 'successful' I became, the more I struggled with depression, perfectionism, anxiety, and burnout.
I started thinking, this can't be it, right?
There was no way that I was going to spend the rest of adulthood working this hard, to feel this bad, for a version of 'success' that seemed to keep perpetually changing and moving just out of reach, no matter how many goals I achieved.
I wanted my life to be about more than just checking off my to-do list.
I wanted my life to be an authentic expression of ME at my core - not going through the motions of someone else's version of success.

I'd love to say that one day I found THE MAGICAL THING that changed everything.
But that would be a lie.
I've spent the last 10 years studying, healing, training, and receiving support from all kinds of practitioners to learn everything I can about what it means to live as your fully expressed, authentic self.
I've studied habit formation, performance health, sex, mental health, shame, brain development, emotions, mindset, nervous system science, communication, trauma resolution, embodiment, stress recovery, somatics, and systems of oppression.
Over time I've developed my own theories and protocols and in the process experienced life-changing physical, mental, and emotional shifts.
It's a process I'm committed to for the rest of my life.
Years of degrees, certifications, and healing later, I've now helped hundreds of high-achieving women and queer folks focus on who they are outside of 'being productive' and their careers, supporting them to reclaim their time, energy, joy, and power in and out of work.
We're talking intimate connections, hobbies that light them up, shedding shame, fierce boundaries, coming home to their bodies, soul-expressing work, consistent self-care, and so much more.
You may have learned that success requires constantly pushing harder and ignoring your own inner needs, wants, desires and feelings.
I'm here to remind you that CAN have a life filled with joy, love, and fun without sacrificing your success, in fact, it makes you a better leader with even greater purpose and impact.
This is a space for big-dreaming, wanting to suck the marrow out of life, high-achieving humans...
Who know that overworking, hustling, pushing through burnout, and telling themselves to just be more disciplined no longer feels right for them.
This is the place where we help you unleash your full, authentic self.
If you want to explore what it feels like to do big achieve and succeed while also accessing inner peace, knowing yourself deeply, and living authentically - I'm thrilled to have you here.
Our patriarchial, #hustle, productivity-obsessed culture pushes the magical drive of high achievers into overachieving patterns.
Patterns and habits that can start to make succeeding professionally feel like an uphill climb riddled with anxiety, chronic stress, burnout, and imposter syndrome.
Especially if you're a woman, Black, disabled, fat, NBIPOC, LGTBQIA+, neurodivergent, or go against mainstream culture in any way - the traditional 'route to success' wasn't made with you in mind.
My approach is whole human, trauma-informed, and science-based with a healthy dose of intuition and magic thrown in.
You make sense. All of you is welcome here.
As your coach:
- I trust you as your own best expert. I'm here to guide, support, and bring you back to your own inner wisdom, never to fix or diagnose.
- Our work centers on meeting YOU right where you're at. We balance and oscillate between your current and lived experiences, capacity, past trauma, mental health, and where you want to be.
I'd love to help you take back your time and energy so that you feel fully and authentically expressed in every dimension of your life.

Full Humanity
I do my best to hold you with presence, and unconditional regard. It's my intention to see, hear, and honor the fullness and wholeness of your humanity not to fix or judge. You are your own best expert.

I do my best to mean and do what I say. Language and the actions we take matter. I own my mistakes and take responsibility when harm is caused. Clear is kind.

Weird Ass Joy
I don’t take myself too seriously. I hope you don't either. I swear. I make jokes. I'm nobody's guru - we're here to figure this shit out together I don't mind if we laugh along the way.

Inclusivity + Equitability
I am actively working on dismantling white supremacy and racism in myself and the world. I value all bodies, disabled, fat, Black, NBIPOC, queer, trans, and neurodivergent. Black Lives Matter.
Let's Talk About You!
- Want to know deep in your bones exactly who you are, what's important to you, and actually act on it each day?
- Want to have time and energy at the end of the day to be present in your relationships and spend your time meaningfully?
- Want to show up for impactful work while still making yourself (and your physical and mental health) a priority?
You can, without blowing everything up. You get to have a life that honors ALL parts of you.
'I have so much to be grateful for - family, a home, health, and a good job, but I was miserable. I felt like I had tried a lot on my own but it wasn't saving me from myself. I needed guidance. I needed tools.'
Working with Julia, I finally got it that productivity does not determine my worth. I always thought, "if only I got through my to-do list, I'd be happy". Now I see, I think I was so afraid to be human, I was trying to keep myself busy to protect myself from "feeling it all". But now I know to listen to myself and do what makes me happy because it feeds my soul - not just to cross something off the to-do list or make someone else happy. I was setting myself up to fail. I thought controlling things would make me feel better and I have the insight now to know that it's impossible to control everything. Now I see more clearly the freedom I can have by letting go of the "shoulds" and listening to myself more.
- S.